The Correct way to Toggle Display with JavaScript

The Correct way to Toggle Display with JavaScript

How to toggle display with JavaScript at any given event; bugs in the traditional show/hide method, fixes, and advanced techniques.

Create jQuery slideToggle in Pure Javascript

Create jQuery slideToggle in Pure Javascript

A detailed tutorial explaining the creation of pure JavaScript SlideToggle feature without any involvement of jQuery or any additional JS library.

Load Disqus on Click and Scroll Events

Load Disqus on Click and Scroll Events

The right way to load Disqus comments on demand with AJAX on click and scroll events. jQuery and plain JavaScript—both ways covered.

CSS-only Instagram-like Progress bar

CSS-only Instagram-like Progress bar

Lightweight and beautiful Instagram progress bar effect made fancy with CSS, and sane and functional with JavaScript.

Quick and Simple Pop-up Modal with plain JavaScript

Quick and Simple Pop-up Modal with plain JavaScript

An experiment to create a simple, dynamic JavaScript-based pop-up box—doesn't require additional libraries, written in vanilla JavaScript.

Lazy loading JavaScript to improve site speed

Lazy loading JavaScript to improve site speed

A guide to load external JavaScript files asynchronously - covering JavaScript, jQuery and HTML5 solutions to lazy load scripts and speed up website.

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