Add Plugin Settings link to plugin page in WordPress
WordPress developers do many custom things with their plugins and themes above the basic functionality available at WordPress Codex. Adding a plugin settings link in the plugin page just beneath your plugin could be one of those pretty custom things. If you don’t know what I’m saying, have a look at highlighted sections in the […]

Enabling Post Thumbnails in WordPress
WordPress post thumbnails or featured images can add more beauty and interactivity to a WordPress theme. If you have WordPress thumbnails enabled in your theme, you may add a relevant image for it to appear with the post in the indices like homepage, categories and other archive pages. We don’t have the post thumbnails enabled […]

Make WordPress Shortcodes working in Widgets
WordPress Shortcodes allow users to add an inbuilt or plugin-driven functionality into their posts and pages without using PHP or any sort of coding. Take the gallery shortcode [gallery] as an example, it enables the user to add an existing WordPress gallery into their posts or pages. Different WordPress plugins provide shortcodes to add functionality […]

Remove automatic dimensions from WordPress Image attachments
WordPress Thumbnail function when used in themes, automatically adds width and height attributes to the image attachments, which may create problems with a responsive layout. Take a look at the highlighted section in the below given code, that’s what I’m talking about: <img width="300" height="200" src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/attachment-thumb.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Attachment Thumbnail" /> In such a situation, […]

Disable Hyperlinks in WordPress Comments
Have you came across that annoying moment, when a commenter starts posting unwanted and irrelevant links in comments that survive from Akismet spam filtering? WordPress users who experience a lot of comment spam can filter out spam through Akismet. But sometimes, some unwanted link postings in comment are not detected by Akismet. As a blogger […]

Remove automatic or clickable links from WordPress comments
Whenever someone leaves a comment with a URL (eg. www.w3bits.com) on your WordPress site, it gets automatically converted to a clickable link. Sometimes it may lead to SPAM even when you’ve HTML disabled for comments. And if you realized today that there has been a lot of comments that contain such clickable links, you might […]

Add rel=”nofollow” to WordPress Categories
How to add nofollow relationship attribute to WordPress category links? Here's how to do that, both with plugin and manually.
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