AJAX Load Disqus comments on click event
Code snippet to load Disqus comments with AJAX at onclick event and make your site load faster - code snippet to load Disqus on user demand with jQuery AJAX.

AJAX submit WordPress comments without reloading page
A simple tutorial showing how to submit WordPress comments with asynchronously with AJAX - without reloading the page.

Add Plugin Settings link to plugin page in WordPress
WordPress developers do many custom things with their plugins and themes above the basic functionality available at WordPress Codex. Adding a plugin settings link in the plugin page just beneath your plugin could be one of those pretty custom things. If you don’t know what I’m saying, have a look at highlighted sections in the […]

Put last modified / last Updated date in WordPress
How-to guide explaining how to add a last updated or last modified date in your WordPress posts and pages with and without plugins.

Notify Web crawlers about the updated content with meta revised tag
Almost every webmaster knows about meta tags. There are different types of meta tags which are generally placed in the <head> section of the markup of a webpage. The objective of adding meta tags to a webpage depends upon the behavior or property of the tag we are adding – for example, meta description tag […]

Automatically set Featured Thumbnails to WordPress posts
WordPress featured thumbnails allow you to add a featured image to your posts. If your WordPress theme has this functionality, then you may set a featured thumbnail to your post by using the Featured Image meta box by clicking the Set Featured image link and uploading your image. The featured thumbnails generally appear in the […]

A Guide to CSS3 Rounded Corners
CSS3 has bring a lot of new features and possibilities into web design. One of such features is the rounded corner support to the box. Earlier before, designers use images and nifty libraries to make the corners of divs round in appearance. But now, with CSS3, you need no more images or JS library tricks, […]

Really simple Sticky Scroll with jQuery without using plugins
Easiest way to create a floating jQuery Sticky Scroll division without making use of plugins. Demo and Download links included.

Disable WYSIWYG Editor for WordPress Custom Post Types
There are times when developers want to hide the Visual or the WYSIWYG Editor from their Custom Post Types. If such is the case, add the following code in your functions.php to disable WYSIWYG editor in your Custom Post types and save the changes: add_filter('user_can_richedit', 'disable_wysiwyg_for_CPT'); function disable_wyswyg_for_CPT($default) { global $post; if ('movie' == get_post_type($post)) […]

Redirect to post if search results return only one post
Although WordPress traditional search doesn’t provide search quality as good as Google Custom Search, however many WordPress users still use it, as it is the default search and you don’t need to customize your theme to add search feature on your blog. Recently, a friend of mine asked me about redirecting to a post when […]
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