The Correct way to Toggle Display with JavaScript
How to toggle display with JavaScript at any given event; bugs in the traditional show/hide method, fixes, and advanced techniques.

The Correct Way to Center-align Web Layouts
A how to guide to center a website: the right and robust method to achieve centered layouts with no hacky stuff but just CSS.

A Guide to Create and Use SVG Sprites
An easy guide for web designers to create and use SVG sprites for better icon systems—either by using Adobe Illustrator or web services.

CSS Sprites: Creating PNG Sprites and Using with CSS
A beginner's guide to start using CSS sprites, why they are useful for UX and SEO, and free tools to create PNG sprite sheets.

A Guide to Absolute Centering in CSS
A guide to absolute centering techniques in CSS, using modern approach as well as covering fallbacks for older browesers.

Simple Responsive Tables with CSS
A quick CSS code snippet to make your HTML tables behave and don't break the layouts—alternative to JavaScript solutions for responsive tables.

6 Tools to Compress, Optimize and Clean CSS online
A bunch of cool tools to format CSS online—services to clean, beautify, compress CSS styles on the go.

CSS Hack: Disable Chrome’s Pull-to-Refresh on Android
Preventing Chrome's Pull-to-Refresh on Android with this small CSS tickery, code snippet and demonstration included.

Quick and Simple Pop-up Modal with plain JavaScript
An experiment to create a simple, dynamic JavaScript-based pop-up box—doesn't require additional libraries, written in vanilla JavaScript.

20+ Awesome Resort & Restaurant Blogger Templates
Showcase of some fantastic Resort and Restaurant Templates for Blogger you should use on your Restaurant, Hotel or Resort blog.
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