Tutorials / 7
Remove the default Gallery Style in WordPress

Remove the default Gallery Style in WordPress

We want to customize a lot of things in our WordPress themes, and WordPress gallery style can be one of those. At first, it looks like to throw some CSS code in the style.css and it’s done. But that alone, is not gonna work since WordPress automatically adds a default style snippet in the post […]

Blogger Custom Redirects to redirect posts / pages to new ones

Blogger Custom Redirects to redirect posts / pages to new ones

If you are a Blogger user, I want to discuss the two cases with context to Content management on Blogger. 1. Accidentally deleted content on Blogger Blogger users may have came across through accidental delete of posts or pages, which may occur due to a human mistake or technical problem. Of course, you can recover […]

Styling HTML5 Placeholder with CSS

Styling HTML5 Placeholder with CSS

Remember that JavaScript driven placeholder we used to create for the search fields on our sites and blogs? No? How could you, as we have HTML5 placeholder attribute for the input tag to do the same thing without JavaScript. What’s this input placeholder attribute thing? It’s a rather simple alternative to put a placeholder text […]

Add your own Smilies to WordPress

Add your own Smilies to WordPress

A simple guide to add and use your own smilies or emoticons to WordPress - both ways covered - with plugin and manually without using any plugins.

Change / Reset WordPress password using MySQL / PHPMyAdmin

Change / Reset WordPress password using MySQL / PHPMyAdmin

Recover lost or hacked WordPress password from PHPMyAdmin / MySQL.

Add Breadcrumbs to Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Add Breadcrumbs to Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Breadcrumbs or breadcrumb navigation on a website or blog helps users to navigate the content in a broader way, and they are on the site. For example, if you’ve published a post under the category “Parent” in the sub-category “Child”, the breadcrumb would be something like this: Home > Parent > Child A breadcrumb navigation […]

FIX: WordPress Conditionals is_single(), is_home() not working

FIX: WordPress Conditionals is_single(), is_home() not working

If you’re a WordPress developer or a DIY WordPress geek, you might have came across this problem when WordPress conditionals like is_single(), is_home(), is_page() etc. stop functioning at some or all instances. Such problem may arise due to the use of a custom WordPress Query (WP_Query or query_posts) in your WordPress theme or some plugin […]

Add robots.txt to Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Add robots.txt to Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Using robots.txt on your website gives you the control to tell search engines which pages to crawl for indexing and which to skip. It is a plain text file which is located in a website’s root. If you are using a blogging platform like Blogger or Tumblr to blog, you do not have a robots.txt […]

Create a custom 404 page for Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Create a custom 404 page for Blogger / Blogspot blogs

Content Management Systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal allows you to create a custom 404 page for your website. Themes and templates for these CMSs have default functionality to return the 404 page when the requested content is not found on your site. Coming to the topic, Blogger previously didn’t provide such facility to bloggers […]

Optimize your Blogger URLs with Custom Blogger Permalinks

Optimize your Blogger URLs with Custom Blogger Permalinks

Blogger has added a new feature that allows you to customize the permalinks or URL structure of your blog posts and pages. This is one of the most awaited features and it’s gonna help those bloggers the most who care about the on-page SEO. Previously, Blogger used to set the permalink URL automatically through the […]

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