Best WordPress Plugins to generate XML sitemap
A list of best WordPress XML sitemap plugins that sitemap files automatically to submit to search engines.

Build an XML Sitemap for your static website
An easy to implement guide to build XML Sitemap for your static websites using free software programs without messing up with XML codes.

Convert colored images to Grayscale with CSS
Quick ways to turn colorful image to grayscale mode in CSS without using even a bit of JavaScript.

Add Font Awesome to WordPress Navigation Menus
Easily add Font Awesome to your WordPress navigation menus - with or without plugin, both ways covered.

AJAX load Disqus comments on Scrolling down the page
Load Disqus comments on Scroll event with AJAX and improve your website load time - JavaScript to load Disqus on Scrolling down for WordPress and Blogger.

Creating a Responsive Pure CSS Masonry Layout
A detailed tutorial guide to create a pure CSS Masonry layout which is also responsive, easy-to-implement without making use of JavaScript or jQuery.

Pure CSS Rainbow text with Animation effects
A tutorial guide to show how you can create CSS-only rainbow text effect and extend it later with some cool animation efffects.

Set Up a Custom Domain with your Ghost blog
Easy to follow guide to configure a custom TLD with your Ghost blog - explained with Godaddy and Namecheap domain registrars.

Understanding the CSS Box Model
An easy to understand guide on the CSS Box model approach, explaining what it is and why it is needed.

Add “Read More” link in Ghost Theme
Quickly add a cool, nifty "Read more" button to the post summaries in your Ghost theme using CSS, Ghost handlebars, and HTML of course.
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